PaRIS-SUR project

Commissioned by the OECD, the PaRIS-SUR project has been designed to develop, pilot and support the implementation of the PaRIS-survey. This work is being led by the PaRIS-SUR Consortium, in close collaboration with stakeholders, participating countries and the OECD. The project consists of two parts:
  • Part I: Development of the survey methodology and instruments (2020-2021)
  • Part II: Field Trial and implementation of the Main Survey, and reporting (2021-2024)
Activities in Part I The main activities in Part I of the project are:
  • Development of a questionnaire for adults (aged 45 or older) with one or more chronic conditions who use primary or ambulatory care in one of the participating countries. This questionnaire will include modules on patients’ experiences of health care (PREMs), their capabilities and behaviours in managing their own health and care, and perceived health and quality of life outcomes (PROMs).
  • Development of a questionnaire for primary or ambulatory (generalist) care providers. This questionnaire will include questions on clinic and chronic care delivery characteristics and on characteristics of the main care professional providing care to people with chronic conditions.
  • Translation of and cognitively testing the questionnaires for use in all participating countries, together with National Project Managers (NPMs) appointed by these countries. Most of the participating countries used services of cApStAn for translating the questionnaires (
  • Designing the data collection protocol, including guidelines for sampling, support for ethical review, data protection and implementation support.
  • Supporting the NPMs in tailoring the survey to the local context, to engage local stakeholders and develop country roadmaps for implementation of the survey in all participating countries.
Activities in Part II The main activities in Part II of the project are:
  • Supporting the NPMs in conducting a Field Trial of the PaRIS-survey in their countries.
  • Analysis of the data from the Field Trial, to test the psychometric characteristics of the questionnaires and survey implementation, and propose adaptations if necessary.
  • Supporting the NPMs in implementing the Main Survey in their countries.
  • Analysis of the data from the Main Survey, to provide insight for all key stakeholders (patients, care providers and policymakers at a regional and/or national level), and to help them use the data for their own purposes.
  • Providing technical and analytical support to the OECD to prepare the international report summarising the results of the first wave of the PaRIS survey.

Inclusive development

A key principle of the PaRIS survey is that it is developed with inputs from all stakeholder groups, to ensure relevance from multiple perspectives and uptake of its results at all levels of countries’ health systems. In view of this, the OECD has installed an international Patient advisory Panel (PaRIS-PP, consisting of experts-by-experience, to contribute to the development of the survey from the patient perspective. This panel will be consulted at all major steps of the project. Furthermore, the PaRIS-SUR Consortium is seeking advice in all phases of the project from a worldwide community of independent experts, the Technical Advisory Community (TAC, In addition to these international advisory bodies, stakeholders and experts in the participating countries are involved in the development of the survey instruments and the country roadmap that will specify the implementation of the survey at a national or regional level.