About us
The PaRIS-SUR consortium is composed of the following entities:
Want to know the people who work together in the consortium? They introduce themselves below.

Mieke Rijken, PhD, Nivel (Director PaRIS-SUR project)
Mieke is a Senior Researcher based in Nivel’s general practice research programme and Professor International health and social services research at the University of Eastern Finland. Mieke’s research focuses on the needs of people living with (multiple) chronic conditions and how health and social care could be organised to meet these needs. As such, she studies the design, implementation and outcomes of person-centred integrated care models. She has ample experience with large-scale survey and panel studies, including surveys among primary care patients with chronic conditions. She has more than twenty years experience in leading national and international research projects.

Judith de Jong, PhD, Nivel (Co-director PaRIS-SUR project)
Judith leads Nivel’s research programme “Health Care System and Governance” and is endowed professor on the same topic at Maastricht University. Her research topics include health system reform, health policy evaluation, experiences and opinions of service users on health care, and medical practice variations. As the project lead of the Health Care Consumer Panel she has many years of experience with survey research methods. Judith is Executive Board member of the European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC) and involved in the Health Systems and Policy Monitor (HSPM). Besides her role as Co-director, she coordinates the implementation of the PaRIS survey in the Netherlands, in her role as National Project Manager.

Wienke Boerma, PhD, Nivel
Wienke is a Senior Researcher at Nivel and has led many international studies in primary care and home care. In collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe, he has developed evaluation instruments that are being applied in primary care in a number of countries worldwide. Besides his research work, Wienke advises countries on primary care reform processes.

Peter Groenewegen, PhD, Nivel
Peter had been Nivel’s Director for many years, but chose some years ago to finalise his professional career by doing what he likes most: health services research. His research interests are in the area of international comparisons of health systems with a focus on primary health care. He is also a professor at Utrecht University in the Departments of Sociology and Human geography, and teaches multilevel analysis for public health and health services research.

Lucija Bosnjak, Ipsos
Lucija is a Senior Research Executive in the International Social Research team at Ipsos. She is a skilled quantitative researcher experienced in coordinating and delivering complex multinational studies.

Jean-Michel Lebrun, Ipsos
Jean-Michel has 20 years of experience in cross-national social research and opinion polling. He joined Ipsos in 2010 as a Research Director within the International Social Research Institute in Belgium working for governments, academia, non-profit and private sector clients. His main responsibilities include overseeing, managing, and directing international and local quantitative research studies, working closely with local research institutes, partners and clients, and managing members of the research and fieldwork operations teams. He has extensive experience with surveying the general population and specific targets at European Level, using random probability designs or quota sampling, face-to-face -, telephone - and online interviewing techniques, as well as mixed-mode methods and push-to-web designs (e.g. the European Working Conditions Survey for Eurofound, Experiences of Antisemitism among Jews for the Fundamental Rights Agency, the Consumer Vulnerability study for the European Commission). In a former position at TNS, he supervised, amongst others, client servicing activities for the Eurobarometer studies for the European Commission. He holds a Master (Business Study Degree) from the Solvay Management School of the University of Brussels.

Rachel Williams, PhD, Ipsos
Rachel is a Research Director, specialising in large-scale and complex quantitative research projects. She is responsible for the delivery of the English GP Patient Survey, and has been leading on a programme of successful innovation. Over the last year she has had key roles in a number of COVID related projects, including a survey of hospital inpatients on behalf of CQC and the REACT programme for the Department of Health and Social Care. Rachel also works closely with our Data Protection Officer to ensure project teams meet our high internal quality standards and external accreditations.

Ian Porter, PhD, University of Exeter
Ian is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Exeter Medical School. Besides his work on the PaRIS survey, he is developing methods for the routine use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in primary care for people with chronic conditions (e.g. asthma, COPD, diabetes, heart failure, depression, osteoarthritis). He has contributed to several other primary care focused research projects involving socially marginalised groups with complex physical and mental health needs.

José Maria Valderas, MD, PhD, University of Exeter
Chema is Professor of Medicine and Head of Department at the National University of Singapore/National University Health system, and Honorary Professor at the University of Exeter, and until recently an active general practitioner. His research focuses on the use of patient reports of their health and care for decision-making in health policy and clinical practice, and the evaluation and improvement of processes and outcomes of primary health care, with a particular interest in models of care that meet the needs of persons with multimorbidity. He is active as an expert in many international organisations and presently Chairman of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) Working Party in Quality & Safety.

Janika Blömeke-Cammin, PhD, Optimedis A.G.
Janika is health scientist and works as a senior research and innovation manager at OptiMedis AG, where she is responsible for developing, monitoring and implementing studies in healthcare research focusing on patient-centred care of patients with chronic conditions and on the assessment of patient experiences in primary care and the quality of care.

Oliver Gröne, PhD, Optimedis A.G.
Oliver is Vice Chairman of the Board at Optimedis AG with previous positions in Academia (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) and in international health (World Health Organization). He has extensive experience in health services research, implementation research, outcomes research and statistical modelling, and evidence-based healthcare management. He has led many large-scale projects, including several multi-country research projects with national or EU funding.

Marta Ballester, Avedis Donabedian Research Institute
Marta works as a senior Researcher and Project Coordinator at the Avedis Donabedian Research Institute. Her main research areas cover patient empowerment, self- management, patient participation and integrated care. Besides her work for the PaRIS survey, she has worked – and still works – on various EU funded project with a particular focus on patient empowerment and self-management (e.g. EMPATHiE, PISCE, PRO-STEP, and COMPAR-EU. She also contributed to the Catalonian High Social Risk Screening Tool and system, which aims to enhance integration of health and social care.

Pilar Illarramendi, Avedis Donabedian Research Institute
Pilar is project manager and researcher at the Avedis Donabedian Research Institute. She has more than 7 years of experience on social care and projects focused on diagnosis, design, implementation, management, and evaluation of public policies with a gender approach. As well as in the implementation of quantitative and quantitative research methodologies. She was teacher at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, and teacher in the master’s degree on Social Policies and Community Action of IGOP- Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Rosa Maria Saura, MD, Avedis Donabedian Research Institute
Rosa Maria is Deputy Director of the Avedis Donabedian Research Institute and Associate Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Rosa Maria has extensive experience assessing patients’ and citizens involvement, including the development of frameworks for understanding patients’ expectations, patient involvement in quality activities and understanding citizens’ participation behaviour. Rosa Maria is also an expert in designing questionnaires, surveys, consensus development processes and in clinical indicators design and validation.

Rosa Sunol, MD PhD, Avedis Donabedian Research Institute
Rosa is President of the Board of trustees and Senior Researcher at the Avedis Donabedian Institute, which supports quality improvement in health and social care. Rosa is also Professor of Health Care Quality at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has over 25 years of experience in health and social care quality research, particularly on patient empowerment and self-management and implementation science. She supported the implementation of more than 230 quality programmes in hospitals, primary care, long-term care, home care and social services in Spain.